Jiuzhi-Ma'erkang Highway opened

    2023-01-04 10:45:13 by 戈丹



    The Jiuzhi-Ma'erkang section of G0615 (Jiuzhi-Ma'erkang Highway for short) was opened to the public on Dec. 31, 2022. It's the first highway in Aba County and the first highway connecting Sichuan and Qinghai provinces.




    As the first plateau expressway, Jiuzhi-Ma'erkang Highway is at the average altitude of over 3000 meters, and 3550 in the part next to the boundary of Sichuan and Qinghai. The annual average temperature is 4℃, -29.3℃sometimes. Besides, there’re various natural disasters including drought, flood, hail, frost, etc. Therefore, the effective working time is 6 months per year.


    The "smart" construction helped a lot. With the help of the "smart" all-closed beam factory which can be operating consistently, the project took over 2 years from August, 2020, to December, 2022, 12 months less than the original plan.



    久马高速阿坝段50公里通车段起于青海省久治县,止于四川省阿坝县阿坝互通。“通车后,从阿坝县到川青界只要半个小时。” 久马公司阿坝代表处处长马环宇介绍,久马高速阿坝段的通车彻底结束了阿坝县不通高速的历史,也首次实现了川青两省的高速公路连接。“这对推进区域协调发展、助力乡村振兴、推动民族团结等具有十分重要的意义。”

    Jiuzhi-Ma'erkang Highway connects Jiuzhi County in Qinghai Province and Aba County in Sichuan Province. "It cost only half an hour to travel from Aba County to Qinghai. It’s of great significance for the coordinated development of regions, rural revitalization, and national unity," said Ma Huanyu, the member of Jiuma Expressway Co, Ltd.


    What's more, lots of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies have been employed in the construction to prevent the ecological damage.