Mianzhu-Maoxian Highway opened to traffic

    2022-12-28 04:03:35 by 戈丹



    Mianzhu-Maoxian Highway opened to traffic at 9:00 am on Dec. 27, 2022.


    Mianzhu-Maoxian Highwayconnects Mianzhu City in Deyang with Maoxian County in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Region.



    With a total length of 56 kilometers, the highway has 51bridges and 20tunnels, while the 47.49-kilometer Mianzhu period contains 42 bridges and 18 tunnels. The main part of the highway passes 4 fault zones of Longmen Mountain, and 77 geological disaster spots. What’s more, the effective working time is less than 6 months every year due to the rainstorm in the flood season.


    The construction of thishighway is adangerous and difficult project.


    The construction was started on Sep. 8, 2009, and ceased on Aug.13, 2010, due to a great debris flow.


    It was restarted in May, 2013, and was destroyed by the rainstorm and flood 2 months later. In March, 2016, the project was ruined again by the mountain collapse...


    It took 13years to complete the construction under theextremely complicated geological conditions.



    Over 20,000 workers have participated in the project.


    They fulfilled the construction of Guihuayan Tunnel, which is the most difficult tunnel in the whole project, having overcome the unpleasant geological conditions.


    They fight against the cement paste when excavating the Donghe Second Tunnel, progressing about 0.5 meters per day.


    To prevent the mountain collapse, they have to spray the starch solution onto the rock and pave the protective screening supported by a safety rope.



    Mianzhu-Maoxian Highway can help integrate Aba'srich mineral resources and Mianzhu'scircular economy industry, to promote the development of the industries in two regions.


    It will also be the most convenient tourist passage connecting Mianzhu and Maoxian, as well asseveral other scenic spotsin Sichuan.