Legacy Series | Mixing the Liquor of Life to Savor the Journey Along the Passage of Time

    2022-01-09 by SICC


    I have liquor, do you have any stories?


    Legacy, a popular web variety show that shares Chinese culture by depicting Chinese people's ordinary lives, presenting their wisdom, thoughts, and philosophies across the ages, has been officially launched on its global release date. The first season mainly sheds light on Luzhou Laojiao, one of the classic varieties of Sichuan baijiu. Taking liquor as its protagonist, it wows the audience with a fascinating journey in the renowned Chinese liquor city Luzhou through exploring the secret of the aroma of baijiu inherited for 24 generations.


    There’s a saying that goes, “people make friends and savor a bite of life and enjoy the journeys along the passage of time through liquor.” Time enriches liquor’s flavor, and stories make liquor’s history imprint on people’s memories. During this journey exploring the secret of the aroma of baijiu inherited for 24 generations, SICC bilingual anchor Lin Jiawei and foreign traveler Luo Ang have a memorable encounter with the stories of the city Luzhou and gone through challenges for baijiu-making. In this new episode, they will embrace a perfect ending, or perhaps a new beginning.

    今天,网络综艺《传家》第5期节目《酒·艺 国酿匠心》正式上线!你知道一粒小小的金黄高粱籽要经过复杂的108道工序才能变成一滴醇香的美酒吗?你体验过沉浸式观看酿酒技术吗?你知道白酒的调酒方法以及白酒作为基酒调制独特白酒鸡尾酒的配方吗?在两位白酒体验官刻苦学习并get了一些硬核好酒秘籍后,他们也将进行一场精彩的调酒battle。且不论比试结果如何,学习酿酒过程中的快乐、磨练、坚持和感悟才是这次四川白酒之旅的真正目的。

    Liquor and Technique—Ingenuity of Exquisite Brewing, the fifth episode of the variety show Legacy is screened! Do you know that a golden sorghum seed has to go through 108 complicated procedures before becoming a drop of mellow liquor? Have you had an immersive experience of observing the baijiu brewing process? Do you know how to mix baijiu and the recipe for a distinctive baijiu cocktail? After gaining some hardcore knowledge about making fine liquor, out two guests will even have a battle against each other in a mixing liquor challenge! Regardless of who the winner is, the real purpose of this journey of Sichuan baijiu lies in receiving happiness, overcoming hardships, retaining persistence and acquiring perception during the process of baijiu-making.

    从不懂白酒到细细品味斟酌,从对酿酒技艺的好奇到对酿酒文化传承的向往,这一次两位小“徒弟”不仅收获了酿酒绝技,也对四川白酒产生了别样的感情。“Farewell doesn’t necessarily mean an end”,或许他们和酒的缘分还长着呢!

    With a shift from knowing nothing about baijiu to relishing its flavor, and from being curious about brewing techniques to being overwhelmed with longing for baijiu culture’s inheritance, the two “students” of the intangible cultural heritage inheritor have not only learned about baijiu-making secrets, but also developed a unique affection for Sichuan baijiu. “Farewell doesn’t necessarily mean an end”, maybe there is still a lasting connection between the two and baijiu!


    Legacyseries plans to reflect the authentic Sichuan baijiu culture and tackles the five main themes, including the history of baijiu, water sources, apprenticeship and inheritance, liquor cellars, and baijiu-making techniques. Through on-site visits, one-of-a-kind liquor-making activities hosted by experts, and short "apprenticeship" games, our two guests gained insights into the historical heritage and craftsmanship of Sichuan baijiu, which helped them perceive, interpret, and promote Sichuan baijiu culture from both Chinese and Western perspectives.


    Legacyseries will continue to be aired on SICC overseas media network, Chuanguan News front page and English channel, and Sichuan Daily official account on WeChat!