Minjiangyuan National Wetland Park: the origin of Minjiang

    2022-12-05 by Sichuan International Communication Center

    Minjiang River is a branch of Yangtze River's upper reaches. It plays an important ecological role. Minjiang, located in the conjunction of Jiuzhai Valley and Huanglong, Minjiangyuan is at a critical site. Minjiangyuan National Wetland Park was approved to be built in December, 2014 and was finished in December, 2015.

    With the total coverage of 1,135.6 hectares, Minjiangyuan National Wetland Park lies from the east to the west. It has a comprehensive ecological system and stable functions, owning various animal and plants. It can purify and conserve the water, maintain the water and soil, adjust the climate, and protect the highland ecological environment.