Grape: the green "pearls"

    2022-11-18 by Sichuan International Communication Center

    Grapes are one of the fruits that can be tasted at most times of the year. It is delicious and juicy, and also has a high nutritional value, making it a popular choice.

    The history of grape cultivation can be traced back to Egypt, Syria, and Iraq 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, and later it was spread westward to Western European countries, and then eastward to East Asia.

    In China, during the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian brought back grapes from the West, and grape cultivation began on a large scale in China.

    In Sichuan, grapes are available from late June to November. Xichang is excellent for both grape production and profits, especially for high-quality late-ripening grapes, which are highly competitive nationwide.