Blood Orange: the only citrus containing anthocyanin

    2022-11-07 by Sichuan International Communication Center

    With its largefruit, thin peeland showycolor, the blood orange, a fruit with a somewhat scary name, has become a favorite of many people.

    Zizhong County, Sichuan Province is the hometown of blood oranges in China. Since its introduction from Italy to Zizhong County in 1992, after 30 years of localization and cultivation, Zizhong blood orange planting base has become the largest one in China.

    Zizhong blood orange is round in shape, rose-colored, juicy and flavorous, with a strong rose fruit fragrance and moderate acidity and sweetness. It is worth mentioning that among all citrus, blood orange is the only citrus species that contains anthocyanin, and its vitamin C is twice as much as other oranges!