Common Crane: The Dancers in The Sky

    2022-09-27 by Sichuan International Communication Center

    As the migrating birds, the common cranes have to fly southwards in the winter and return in March the next year. In Shiqu County, Ganzi Prefecture, there're large amounts of common cranes. They shake their wings slowly and powerfully, and are good at gliding. When they fly in groups, they are like dancers among the sky and forest.

    The common cranes live in the open plains, grasslands, moors, benchlands, wilderness, lakes, and farmlands, etc., especially the open lakes and moors with rich aquatic plants.

    They usually move in groups in their breeding places. When they are seeking food, one of them would be on the alert against the enemies. When the danger approaches, it would cry loud and fly high, alarming its fellows. When they rest, they would stand in one leg and collect another on their belly.