All-out rescue after Luding earthquake

    2022-09-08 by Sichuan International Communication Center


    At 12:52 pm, September 5, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake jolted Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, with a focal depth of 16 km.


    As at 16:00 on September 6, this earthquake has caused 66 death, including 38 in Ganzi Prefecture and 28 in Ya'an City, and 15 people were missing.


    The earthquake relief work is being carried out in an intense and orderly manner.


    Ropeway rescue:A 4-year-old boy returned to mom's embrace


    At 12:16pm, September 6, the rescuers of Gonghe Village, Moxi Town, successfully sent a 4-year-old boy to the opposite bank of Guanyinjiao through the ropeway, which was the first trapped person rescued from Gonghe Village. "Mom misses you so much." Across the river dam, the little boy's mother Zhang Jianmin has been anxiously waiting for her son. The moment she embraced her son, the mother cried out of joy.


    Good news! "Life channel" havebeen reopened


    At 15:30 on September 6, after continuous all-out rescue, a double channel was formed to enter and exit the disaster area for rescue, further guaranteeing the life artery.


    The fastest and shortest "life channel" has been reopened at 16:00pm! From Luding County, you will arrive at Jinguang Village in Detuo Town via Provincial Highway 217, and then turn into Provincial Highway 434, and finally pass about 7 kilometers to reach Moxi Town.


    Emergency rescue: countless bridges of life are built


    On September 5, rescuers and locals in Mozigou Village, Moxi Town, Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture built a temporary wooden bridge to transfer trapped people.

    新华社发(洪福乐 摄)


    At the intersection of Moxi Town and Qinggangping Village, some members of Ganzi Special Police Rescue Team were blocked by the turbulent river. They used their bodies and ropes to build bridges and open up life-saving channels, successfully transferring out more than 900 people trapped in Qinggangping Village.


    Proper resettlement: "the first light" is on


    At 18:20 on September 5, the sky was dark. The temporary settlement in Moxi Town, Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, light up "the first light" after the earthquake. In Gongga Square, Moxi Town, rescue workers have set up a temporary settlement, which can basically meet the needs of the affected people for food, housing, medical care and electricity.


    Lights are gradually lit; roads are gradually accessible, and cell phone signals are gradually full... The first time after the earthquake, Sichuan Province transportation, communications and energy systems immediately start the emergency response, to carry out emergency security work.


    Heartwarming! The first breakfast after the earthquake


    Since the earthquake occurred on September 5, Moxi Town, the epicenter of the earthquake, lost water and electricity. In order to let everyone has a hot first breakfast after the earthquake, at 4:00 am on September 6, villager Li Wenjun worked with others to make rice porridge with water and rice.


    "Breakfast's ready!" "Hot rice porridge's ready!" At 7:00am, with the help of everyone's cooperation, wispsof smokerose from 2 large iron pots about 1 meter in diameter by the cliff hotel, and drifted through the mountains.