See You, Chengdu!

    2022-10-11 by Sichuan International Communication Center













    After 10 days, the ITTF 2022 World Team Table Tennis Championships Finals Chengdu came to an end. Team China once again achieved excellent results! The women's team won 5 consecutive World Series titles and the men's team won 10 consecutive World Series titles. Meanwhile, on overseas social media platforms, the charm of Sichuan also impressd many foreign netizens!

    摄影:陈羽啸 尹钢


    Panda fans with Sichuan characteristics made an appearance at the award ceremony of the women's team. When the Japanese women's team received the medal and a souvenir – a fan with panda motifs made by Shu embroidery with Sichuan cultural characteristics. They loved it and exclaimed "kawaii"!



    "This giant panda accessory was found by Hayata Hina and her coach at the hotel. It was a self-portrait drawing event, and all 6 of us drew self-portraits and then received this gift," said Itō Mima, a member of the Japanese women's team, adding that everyone wore the giant panda accessory at the award ceremony in the hope that the giant panda doll could be used to convey the harmony and friendship between the 2 countries.



    The panda fans they received at the award ceremony made them very happy, and they played with it carefully and kept taking pictures. It's known that the fan resembles a ping pong paddle, with a panda embroidered in the middle, and the bouquet is made of ginkgo leaves and pompon mum, which symbolize strength and unity, with great cultural characteristics of Sichuan.


    As the World Team Table Tennis Championships came to an end, the athletes, volunteers and builders also said goodbye.


    Hungarian table tennis player Nandor said, "Everyone put in a lot of effort to make this trip so comfortable and enjoyable for us."


    Yu Keying, a student volunteer from Sichuan University of Media and Communications (SUMC) said, "The Universiade will be held in Chengdu next year, and I hope I can participate in volunteering, which will leave me with more good memories."


    And as a builder participated in the renovation of the Chengdu High-Tech Sports Zone Center, Zhang Wei said, "Our team completed the delivery to a high standard in only 25 days. The ITTF president praised it as the best stadium she has ever been to and a bridge to table tennis players around the world. As a builder, I think this is one of the best gifts to us."