Do You Like This New Rare Orchid?

    2022-10-01 by Sichuan International Communication Center

    中国科学院武汉植物园胡光万研究团队在四川省甘孜藏族自治州雅江县发现植物新物种。记者27日从中国科学院武汉植物园了解到,有关这种被命名为“雅江舌喙兰”的兰科植物新物种的论文,近期已发表于国际学术期刊Kew Bulletin。

    A new orchid species, named Hemipilia yajiangensis, was found in Yajiang County, southwest China's Sichuan Province. A recent report about this discovery was published in the Kew Bulletin – an international journal of plant taxonomy.


    The species was discovered in western Sichuan in August, 2020 and July, 2021during field research led by Hu Guangwan, a researcher at the Wuhan Botanical Garden under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The plant is distinguished by its deep green leaf with whitish web-like lines and white petals with purplish dots on its lip lobe.


    These plants grow near a village that is far from the Sichuan Gexigou National Nature Reserve, where their habitat is vulnerable to destruction, according to one of the discoverers. Researchers also carried out a survey of orchid resources in other areas of Yajiang County, including the reserve, but found no sign of another population. Considering that this is the only population of the species found so far, its habitat is in urgent need of preservation.



    Sichuan is rich in biological resources and is an important biological gene pool in China and the world, with more than 10,000 species of higher plants and 1,300 species of higher animals in the province.




    In recent years, with the increase of ecological protection, patrol monitoring and scientific research, more and more rare plants such as Colubrina zhaoguangii,Gastrochilus wolongensis,Gaultheria marroninahave been found in Sichuan. Some time ago, the endemic and critically endangered plant of Sichuan,Euonymus aquifolium, reappeared after a hundred years of disappearance.